Monday, June 17, 2024
HomeEntertainmentElon Musk’s child seeks name change to cut ties with father

Elon Musk’s child seeks name change to cut ties with father

Xavier Alexander, the child of Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Tesla Inc., has filed a request in court to change his name.

Musk has seven children with Justine Wilson, his first wife, to whom he was married from 2000 to 2008.

Among the children are Xavier and his twin Griffin and triplet sons: Kai, Saxon, and Damian.

In April, Xavier filed to change gender and be known henceforth as Vivian Jenna Wilson.

According to Reuters, the petition for both a name change and a new birth certificate reflecting his new gender identity was filed with the LA county superior court in Santa Monica.

The hearing on the name change is set for Friday before a judge in Santa Monica, California.

Xavier, who recently turned 18, the age of consent in California, asked the court to change his gender recognition from male to female.

He further sought to register the female name.

“I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form,” he was quoted as saying.

Xavier’s mother had divorced Musk in 2008.

There was no further explanation of the rift between Xavier and his father.

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