Mark Cuban has just issued an apology to the family of Trayvon Martin … claiming he wasn’t thinking to consider Martin’s family when he mentioned a black person in a hoodie in a conversation about prejudice.
Cuban just tweeted, “In hindsight I should have used different examples. I didn’t consider the Trayvon Martin family, and I apologize to them for that.”
He added, “Beyond apologizing to the Martin family, I stand by the words and substance of the interview.”
Cuban is referring to the comments he made during an interview in Nashville where he said, “I know I’m prejudiced and I know I’m bigoted in a lot of different ways. If I see a black kid in a hoodie on my side of the street, I’ll move to the other side of the street. If I see a white guy with a shaved head and tattoos, I’ll move back to the other side of the street. None of us have pure thoughts; we all live in glass houses.