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HomeUncategorizedThis Is How A Typical Guy Will Use Google Glass

This Is How A Typical Guy Will Use Google Glass [VIDEO]

The common stereotype – that men tend not to listen to their female counterparts quite as much as they should – is age-old, and resident Web comedian Dartanion London has posted an humor-inducing video highlighting the ways in which blokes may utilize Google Glass to allow themselves to be largely absent from a conversation. The clip is all in good humor, of course, and sees a man, using the wearable tech to (try and) impress, take snaps, and watch a football game during a conversation with a girl. Little does he know, that she’s using some tech of her own in order to suss him out.
It’s hard not to get a little excited about Google Glass, and even though we have new smartphones, tablets, and not one, but two next-gen consoles in the pipeline for 2013, all eyes – if you’ll excuse the pun – are on the $1,500 spectacles from the search giant.

Some are already touting Google Glass as the natural successor to the smartphone, while others seem to think that they will accompany the handheld devices, at least for the time being. Whatever the case, it seems as though everybody is talking about them, and despite the heavy price, Google will likely sell out very, very quickly as techies seek to grab a glimpse (that is the last one, I promise) into the future of tech.


Situations such as the one in the video below may well make us cackle, but it is potentially the kind of thing we could see happening very soon. From not needing to remember the names of folks you’ve only met once or twice to being able to take snapshots and videos of everything you see, almost instantaneously, is a scary yet exciting, dangerous yet possibly groundbreaking predicament.

Google Glass is projected to be available in time for the holiday season, but with all new technologies, we’ll have to be cautious in presuming the Big G won’t hit any snags along the way. We’ll keep you updated on the latest Glass news here at Redmond Pie, so stay tuned!

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