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HomeSportsQatari organirzers hire fake international fans to stage a parade, one more...

Qatari organirzers hire fake international fans to stage a parade, one more item to the list of oddities

The World Cup is almost here and with less than a week to go until the first kick-off in Qatar fans are ready for the opening match between Qatar and Ecuador.

This World Cup has been one of the most controversial in history, not only because of the rumors about the way in which the Arab country was chosen as host but also because of the human rights problems that clash with the Qatari way of life.

Now, the latest controversy has to do with the presence of fake fans during the pre-parade of the national teams

A bizarre parade

This is probably one of the most surreal images to be seen at a World Cup. During the parade through the streets of Doha, in which all the participating countries were represented, several fans could be seen who did not seem to belong to the countries they were representing in the parade.

According to the Spanish news outlet, El Mundo.Es they claim that the fans are fake, and what could be seen were extras posing as fans of the various World Cup teams. All this has been discovered through the various videos that have been shared on social media, as several users have been discovering the deception that the Arab country was trying to make.

Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter has strong opinions about Arabic countries

This image of fake fans is nothing more than an extra scene among all the controversies surrounding Qatar. In fact, Joseph Blatter himself, former FIFA president, has already made some harsh statements in which he admits that it was a mistake to have chosen the country as the venue for the World Cup.

It should be remembered that the country has strict codes of behavior, having already warned visitors of the rules they must comply with, such as having a tracking application on their cell phones, as well as certain messages against the LGTBI community and the existence of detention camps for people who have drunk alcohol.

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