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HomeNationalBotched £920 plastic surgery leaves woman with ‘permanent frown’

Botched £920 plastic surgery leaves woman with ‘permanent frown’

A beauty-conscious Chinese woman, identified as Xie, has been left looking always upset after a botched plastic surgery got her what she termed a “permanent frown.”

According to DailyMail, the young Asian woman, who was spotted with a nonstop confused look on her face, described how the cheek-filling procedure she took for £920 had failed her.

Xie was said to have visited a cosmetic clinic in Hangzhou city of eastern China to undergo a facelift procedure but was persuaded by the staff consultants to receive cheek fillers to “boost the effect.”

She would later discover that the surgery changed her appearance, even as the beauty clinic claimed that the frown occurred due to after-surgery swelling that would eventually disappear with time.

It was gathered that Xie had initially visited the clinic in April to receive some non-surgical, facial treatments but ended up having a nose repair and brow-lift that first improved her features.

On the basis of trust, she would later go back for cheek injection in early May, with the consultants guaranteeing the woman that facial fillers would look natural without needing much recovery time.

“I had my nose done previously, but it was kind of a failure. After the repair, the shape of my nose looked much better than before. I thought this clinic was trustworthy,” Xie told  Zhejiang TV.

Xie reportedly spent an estimated £2,300 on the two facial operations including the £920 for the cheek fillers but the corners of her eyes moved upwards, leaving her baffled about her own face.

She thereafter, demanded a refund for the botched procedure but the clinic’s hedged that the woman’s frown was caused by swelling due to undergoing multiple surgeries within short intervals.

“Because she had surgery along with the fillers, the final result still hasn’t shown. Once she fully recovers, it would look much nicer,” the clinic’s manager, identified as Fang, was reported to have said.

According to the expert, who also offered Xie free additional treatments which she rejected, the clinic would claim full responsibility if her face remains that way after another month.

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