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James Brown: Why I never knew my father until age 14

James Brown, the controversial crossdresser, says he never knew his father until he turned 14.

The crossdresser was speaking in an interview with Chude Jideonwo, the Nigerian media entrepreneur.

Brown disclosed that he has written a book wherein he recounted all he passed through while growing up.

He said his father and mother had an altercation after their engagement as they weren’t ready to have a child.

It’s not like my dad left. He had issues with my mum. It was in-between them. They were engaged but weren’t ready for a child. She gave birth to me and gave me to my grandma who took care of me,” Brown said.

“At some point, my dad was trying to reach out but they declined as he didn’t accept from the beginning. That affected my life. He was not a part of it up until I was 14. He was passing by and they introduced me to him.

“We talked but we weren’t that close because my grandma didn’t believe in Igbo people. She said they’ll use them to do money rituals. The belief really affected me, hence, I was running away. I was later in a predicament.

“He found out they would throw me out of the house. So he used the opportunity to take me over. I was 16. I had gone out for six months and was suffering before he reached out. That six months destroyed my life.

“There are things I’m not proud of that I’ve done. I don’t blame him. I can’t give them accolades. They did nothing.”

Last February, Bobrisky, another crossdresser, had bragged in an Instagram Live video about making Brown famous.

But Brown, in the interview, said Bobrisky only gave him N100,000 which he used to settle a debt at the time.

“I built myself with my own money and sweat and nobody did. I paid for everything I got with my own blood and sweat. I heard Bobrisky said he made me. I want to tell him he did nothing, your N100,000 did nothing,” he said.

“The N100,000 just paid a debt I owed while my dad was trying to pay the money for my release from the prison.

“So if he wants the N100,000 I can give him in ten folds now. I’m grateful but do not open your mouth in public again. Do you know what other people did?”

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